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Universal passive buzzer electromagnetic impedance 42 ohm 3V 5V universal passive buzzer
$0.20 $0.50
Integrated passive AC buzzer 9*4.2mm pin spacing 4mm 3V 3.3V buzzer 16 ohm
$0.50 $1.00
Visual timer mechanical timer learning self-discipline children's kitchen time manager
$5.00 $10.00
Timer kitchen machinery stainless steel timer baking reminder
$15.00 $30.00
National standard power cord RVV sheathed wire 2 to 40 core pure copper AVVR multi-core control signal cable
$15.00 $30.00
Mining machine shielded rubber sheathed soft power cable yffb black copper core drag chain with flexible flat cable
$23.00 $50.00
Proximity switch LJ18A3-8-Z/AX NPN DC three-wire normally closed photoelectric switch
$10.00 $20.00
M4M5M6 cylindrical inductive diameter 4mm5mm6mm mini ultra-small short proximity switch
$12.00 $20.00